Ski Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin HemsleySki Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin Hemsley
Ski Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin HemsleySki Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin Hemsley
Ski Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin HemsleySki Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin Hemsley
Ski Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin HemsleySki Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin Hemsley
Ski Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin HemsleySki Hemsley lessons and guiding in Meribel with English instructor Martin Hemsley
ESF qualified British ski instructor in Méribel
Martin of SkiHemsley - find out more>

...about skiing
...about teaching you to ski

I'm Martin Hemsley; welcome to my Ski Hemsley website, formerly MH2ski. With over 20 years’ experience in teaching and guiding skiers around the magnificent Three Valleys ski area, I have a passion for skiing in these mountains and am fully committed to ski teaching.

My ski lessons are 100% tailored to you, my approach is flexible to meet your ski ambitions. I will look after you on the mountain, teach you new skills, help improve your ski technique and most of all ensure that you have a fantastic skiing holiday.

I provide ski tuition and mountain guiding: full weeks, full days, half days (mornings or afternoons). As an English speaking British instructor qualified to BASI level 4 International Ski Teacher Diploma, I work with individual skiers, couples, families and groups of friends.

So whether you're looking for ski guiding in the massive 3 valleys area from first to last lift, or want your personal instruction blended with the best hot chocolate and lunch venues, I will aim to make your holiday truly memorable.

Follow this link to read testimonials>from Ski Hemsley clients.

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Full phone contact details also on myContact page>