Hi everybody, your favourite blogging ski instructor from Meribel here. Can't resist another post in the 'Humans of Meribel' series. This time the stars are a lovely group of ladies from Scotland. A few weeks ago I left the Meribel valley, and headed over to the neighbouring valley where Val Thorens stands loud and proud. It was one very funny long weekend teaching them. It was their first skiing trip away from their families in years, and to be honest, I didn't quite realise they were going to have such an incredible time. In fact the weekend was organised as a double 40th birthday celebration. Their story that accompanies these images recounts the second morning we were together, and starts as they skied sheepishly up to me at the rendezvous point. Ladies and gentlemen, please meet a very fun bunch of Scottish lasses.
"Sorry we are a little late this morning. Martin, could you please please bear in mind that we are all feeling very delicate this morning. We had one of those spontaneous nights last night at some random bar in Val Thorens, we'll explain more when we stop for a coffee. Oh, and we are one man down, Mildred (not her real name) hasn't managed to make it out this morning. And I think that Mabel (not her real name either) might still be a bit tipsy."
Forty minutes later a rushed coffee, Snickers, and emergency paracetamol stop took place. Further recounting of the night's events took place.
"How did a perfectly civilised evening turn into what happened? Oh, it was perhaps the Franz Ferdinand track, when everybody got up onto the tables and started dancing. That was it. Do you remember the barman with the dodgy looking pony tail? He was quite mischievous with the drinks. Oh, and then......... (pause for huge laughter) Mildred started getting frisky with that vertically challenged chap........ Let's get our phones out and check the photos."
"Good grief. Martin please put that camera down now, we really don't want you to see these photos!"
Now then, I really hope I'm not painting a dodgy picture. It was an amazing experience being in their company, even when they were feeling a little fluffy this one morning. In fact, just so you don't miss out on meeting all of them, I took this picture the last morning. Mildred makes an appearance. This image has proved amazingly popular on social media, in fact it has received the most feedback of all of my photos this winter.
Over the last few weeks it has been fun sharing experiences that I've had with clients on this blog page, I hope you've enjoyed it as well? So much so that I started a new Facebook page on this subject. I've called it 'Humans of Meribel' and it gets updated way more frequently than this blog page. So if you enjoy this format, please do pop across to Facebook and 'like' the page. If you would like a different style of blog post, then click on this link. Have a great week everybody. Keep having those ski dreams. Martin.
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