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Méribel Summer Fun - Part 1

Posted on
August 8, 2024

Hi everyone and welcome to my first blog post for about three months. I'm back in Méribel, and my goodness it's very nice being here again. Unlike in the winter, I'm completely on holiday and a real treat it is. My plan is to post occasionally about various random things, mountain experiences, perhaps some skiing references, and hopefully loads of nice photos. I've been doing loads of road cycling, hiking and mountain biking. So let's start with a trip I took up to Saulire, on a sports free(recovery) day....

Top of the Saulire cable car.

Back in the autumn of 2020, the Courchevel 1850 cable car (called Saulire) was being stress tested, and unfortunately it went a little wrong (one would argue, the test worked meaning no harm to anyone). This has meant that this very important cable car has been out of action the last three winters, three long painful winters. It's been both a shame, but last winter some of us noticed there were posters at the bottom station that announced it would be back in action this coming winter. With that in mind I wanted to go and have a nose and see for myself if there has been any progress.

Well, nothing visible yet. Having said that, there are railings surrounding the site, so fingers crossed over the next few months the work will be completed.

Next to the top of the Saulire Express bubble from Méribel.
The ridge entrance to the iconic Courchevel black piste, the Grand Couloir.

It was nice being up the top of Saulire again, the scenery of course is amazing. Plus there was less intense heat up there due to the altitude. Above the altitude of 2,500 metres there's less vegetation growing, giving the feeling of a moonscape theme. Saulire at 2,700 metres is within this environment. However, there are pockets of grass and beautiful little flowers.

Scheuchzer's Bellflower!

Not knowing what this flower was called, I took a photo on my phone, and looked on my PlantNet app. Apparently it's called Sheuchzer's Bellflower! That just sounds like childish swearing to me, but what do I know? Lovely little things, and I'm seeing them a little bit more now around the mountain.

Top of the Combe de Saulire piste down into Courchevel 1850, moonscape like.

More skiing related news - at the top of the Pas du Lac bubble from Méribel-Mottaret on Saulire, is a mountain restaurant called Les Pierres Plates. It's not a restaurant that I often go to, but it is popular with skiers and non-skiers, and also has beautiful panoramic views. Long story short, this restaurant is owned by the local commune, who rents out the building for people running a business (a mountain restaurant service). Unfortunately there's been some disgruntlement between the commune and the now expired business. To the point where the ending of one contract, and the start of a fresh new one, means the restaurant isn't operational this summer and more importantly won't be open this coming winter.

Les Pierres Plates mountain restaurant.

Last weekend I was invited to a bbq in a small hamlet called le Villaret, which is the other side of the valley to Méribel les Allues. They mentioned that there would be fireworks as part of the Fêtes des Fanfoué celebrations. So I decided to take my camera, and sure enough at 10pm it all kicked off. Tell you what, Méribel certainly knows how to put a firework display on, it was incredible.

Looking across to Méribel les Allues.

I'm starting to rack up some sunset sessions the last few days, and am really enjoying the process. I'm sure some will feature in the next blog post. Right, that's it for now, do keep an eye open for the follow up. As ever, don't forget to Live With Passion. Martin.

Saulire at sunset, on fire.

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