Hi everyone and welcome to another post from your favourite blogging Méribel ski instructor. This will be the third and final post about my summer visit to Méribel back in August. The two previous posts concentrated on cycling, and then also several hiking routes I enjoyed in and around the 3 Valleys. Needless to say I took loads of photos, and like any activity, I have quite a few favourites. With that in mind, here are quite a few I'm proud of, including several that haven't been seen yet on the Socials.
Many ski resorts over the last few years have employed photographers to help showcase their mountains and ski area. This is a great addition to their marketing and social media campaigns. The impact that is made by lovely photos can be very strong. This is something that the 3 Valleys I believe are quite good at, and I'm sure you've come across many of their images. I of course love these types of photos; I try to figure out where the images have been taken, and how they've been shot technically. It drives me forward with my own photography technically and creatively, and I also try to find new locations or different versions not previously seen.
I absolutely love this photo of the Altiport. Not many people get to see the runway from this viewpoint, and I don't know why. It's dead simple to get to, just a few paces up a bank from what is the piste in winter. Maybe that's why, it takes a 'little' effort. But then again, with ski boots on why would we? After scouting this spot, I knew it would look epic at dusk with the lowering soft light. Thankfully, on the evening I captured this, there were no planes taking off or landing otherwise I probably would've got shouted at by the pilots!?! Perhaps I should pop back again this coming winter and see what it looks like under a coat of snow, before work gets busy.
I think that I did post this shot somewhere online at the time, because I loved it so much. A different type of sunset shot for me, still with gorgeous sunset light. If you are familiar with Méribel's ski area, at the bottom of the Dent de Burgin chairlift there's this bouquetin statue squeezed in close by. Perhaps a bit odd to take a photo of a statue rather than real ones further up the mountain, but I love how the light falls on this fella!?!
Every winter and summer I head to this location with a camera - often with a picnic too - because I love this spot so much. Then when posting online my comment usually goes like this......"This isn't the first time I've take a photo here, and it definitely won't be the last time either." Enough said. Right, that's more than enough of the Altiport area for now.
The following photos I've captured before several times over the years, but still love the process of going back again and again. Sunsets of Saulire, and those lovely furry marmotte creatures. Here they are.
So there you have it, another self-indulgent blog post, but I hope you like some of these Méribel mountain life photos.
Now for some exciting news....... my website is being redeveloped and refreshed. I saw a first draft of what it will look like earlier this week, and am very pleased. When it is up and running I'll let you know.
Plus, Harriet and I are about to have a week on holiday in France again shortly, to a non-mountainous area! Who would've thought? I'm very excited about this new part of France that I've never visited before, and may well blog about it in the future. Right, that's it for now. Live With Passion. Martin.
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