Hi everybody, Happy New Year, and just like last week's post I planned on talking about ski technique this week - but yet again I'm being hopelessly distracted by the incredible snowy scenes here in Méribel. Storm Eleanor has of course affected the UK this week, as well as across continental Europe. However here in Méribel we seem to have been affected by other several storm fronts. An important quality in a ski instructor is observation - this will include responding to a client's requests, an awareness of available terrain and local knowledge, oh and a good old-fashioned appreciation of what the mountain provides us humans with!
Being observant is crucial, and also a distraction in certain circumstances. This week, since the last post, here in the mountains we have seen so many gorgeous scenes to help us welcome in the New Year. This New Year's Eve, I wasn't taking part (on skis) with my colleagues in the big torchlight descent. However I couldn't resist being a spectator, along with my camera. And what a show, it was great to see it from a different viewpoint.
Even having witnessed many firework displays over the years, it is still pretty amazing to watch another, especially in a mountain environment. I've often wondered if the poor marmots stir from their winter hibernation due to the noise of the fireworks? Mind you, the huge depth of the snow pack at the moment will probably muffle out the noise!
So what has the weather been up to recently? Well, if you were a sun worshiper, then unfortunately you would be disappointed with only a few hours at the beginning of the week. Pretty much most days, we've been on the receiving end of some snow storms, with lovely views to boot.
However, the temperatures have been going up and down like a yo-yo. The top of the mountain has been pounded with high winds, and well over a metre of snow if not more! However down at resort level we've had a mixture of heavy snow fall, but also annoyingly, loads of rain. Although this hasn't been a bundle of laughs, I believe the snow pack on the bottom half of the mountain won't be compromised by this rain. When the temps drop this weekend, the layers should freeze, then consolidate and hold nicely through until the Spring. Which if you are looking for positives, is a big one.
However, I have felt very sorry for those visiting this week; the weather has been challenging at times, however some amazing snow conditions have been available.
Sometimes after a snowfall you can see things that you wouldn't normally. And for some reason I seem to be noticing letter boxes more than ever before.
Right, enough of these snowy scenes from this week, time to ski happily into 2018. If you have a holiday booked for this season, then - to state the obvious - we have had an incredibly good start to this winter with snow depths. A little bit of sun occasionally would be nice though. However, it looks as though the unsettled weather is due to continue for the foreseeable time. If you are wanting to read about something a little more ski improvement related, click here for a link to a blog post from last winter. Happy New Year everybody, and do come back soon. Martin.
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